Greetings from Toronto

Profile picture for user happycat

Beginner bread baker in the last 2 years or so. Recently working on sourdough baguettes. I think this was bake 7 or 8 using sourdough to make a mini version, 10% rye. I've had lacier crumbs but this one was the perfect chewy, tasty and flavour for me.

Also done sourdough croissants (all white) and sourdough english muffins with small rye and durum %. Definitely not an instagram person as my stuff is quite homely, my camera is mediocre and I smoosh things when I slice them. However, I've found baked goods in my city to be very attractive but not very flavourful.

I don't have any books. I just pick a recipe off the web and mess around with it to work with my starter (100% rye) and environment (hot always at the penthouse of a highrise) and flour availability (generally 20lb bags of AP or durum that I lug home from grocery stores). I get dark rye from a Bulk Barn.

I also make canneles regularly, and scones. I make pasta and gnocchi, and roast my own coffee. 

Baking brings me a lot of joy because I can create something with very basic materials and share it with my wife.

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

I beg to differ! You are no beginner when it comes to bread. Those croissants are amazing!

By the way, there are a few more Fresh Lofians that live in Toronto. I’m way up north in Thunder Bay. And welcome to The Fresh Loaf!

Thanks for the kind remark and the welcome!

I enjoyed visiting Thunder Bay and hiking the head and the feet of the Sleeping Giant-- probably a couple decades ago and when I was much thinner. Such a beautiful area.

Thunder Bay is beautiful.  I have fond memories of the beautiful tribute to Terry Fox.  If I'm not mistaken, I think my visit to the monument was before it was moved.

Welcome to TFL Happy Cat from another Torontonian!!  I agree with Danni, you are no beginner baker.  I also get my whole rye from Bulk Barn.  I keep looking to see if they’ll get the whole white wheat back in but still none.  If you see whole white wheat at Bulk Barn grab some and please let me know.  I’ll look forward to seeing more of your baking here on TFL.


Thanks for the welcome. I was just thinking of going to check out the white wheat grain at Bulk Barn. I have six coffee grinders... one repurposed to a spice mill... and I was thinking of milling some grain. If I see it I will let you know.

I will check out the baguette thread. I made another set today with 10% rye and 10% durum... so delicious. 

I definitely need to learn more about steam. Loaves on left had no steam but more expansion. Loaves on right had small cup of water tossed in and were darker with less expansion. The shapes are all about the same... the lens distorted the bottom loaf fo it looks wider.

Your milk bread is on my to do list for next weekend. My wife is quite keen to try after seeing photos of your bread.




Bulk barn sale until Oct 17. Coupons ($2 and $5 off) plus 15% off hard wheat kernels. Is that what you use?

I was thinking of getting a few kilos to play with. Would you use a portion in a dough or 100%? I don't have my pro grinder in this city so it would probably be grinding by hand.. so not a huge amount for now.

Hi there.  I'm from Toronto, as well.  Regarding your white whole wheat flour search, have you visited Rube's Rice in the St. Lawrence Market?  I don't know if they have it, but they do carry a lot of different types of flour.  They're in the lower level, just outside the Everyday Gourmet coffee shop.  That stall is where they have the rice, but the flour is in a separate room beside the coffee place.  Another place you might try is just down the end of the hall, Domino's.  I shop at the three places mentioned and am always happy with their supplies. 

Thanks for the tips. I've been moving to grains recently and milling them. If you see grains, let me know. So far it seems Bulkbarn has them but prices are not great. YuPik on Amazon has them and I get free, next day delivery with good resealable packaging.

Hi Brian, I have checked both Rubes and Dominos a few times now and unfortunately haven’t seen whole white wheat in either place or any other place this year so far.  If anyone finds it I’d love to know!


Mariana, when I contact La Milanaise directly, the only sold huge bags of white whole wheat.  They told me that it is typically sold to businesses and that they don’t sell retail sized bags unfortunately.


Benny, I get it, a 20kg bag is probably too much for anyone, unless you have a big family. I personally don't like the taste and aroma of white whole wheat at all, especially in breads where it is so prominent, so I never chased it. 

Many of those stores that carry La Milanese flours in Toronto sell flours from bins or repackage it in stores, they are natural food stores, they might have it, but we would have to call them one by one. 

Some of the sellers in Ontario repackage this flour and sell it at elevated prices, they honestly indicate that it is from La Milanese in Quebec. For example, 2kg bags of white whole wheat here, in Hamilton.

They would ship to Toronto, but then a 2kg bag would cost you $21, $8 of which is for express shipping. I don't know if it is too much for you to just sample it. 

Wow that’s a steep price for flour. I’m patient and when bulk barn gets it again I can try it then. Thanks for the information Mariana. 

Oh I forgot to mention, if you’re interested in baguettes you might want to check out the Community Bake for Baguettes, it is probably the longest thread ever on TFL.  However, a detailed summary of the findings was posted. The thread is here.