Pain Au Cidre (Cider Bread) from The Rye Baker by Stanley Ginsberg

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My latest bake is the Pain Au Cidre from The Rye Baker by Stanley Ginsberg.

The bread dough that killed my KA6qt. ;-), it died at the 7 minute mark during the mix so...onward I went.

I really like this bread, The crumb has nice notes of apple from the cider, a nice mild rye bite with a mild yogurt undertone. The crust is thin with a nice chew and has a pleasant roasted/raisin taste.

All in all I like it and would bake it again.

Recipe and process are below for those that are interested.


Very nice bake Tony.  I like the idea of the apple cider especially this time of year when apples are being harvested here.  You mention yoghurt undertones, I was expecting this loaf to have yoghurt in it, but it doesn’t.  So I guess you were able to bring out the lactic acid in the fermentation.


Those loaves look delicious!

I have been wending my way through The Rye Baker and this one has been on my radar. Sorry to hear about the mixer. I have been mixing The Rye Baker recipes by hand and it is quite a workout!

Did you use a local hard cider or one of the national brands? Some of the national brand hard apple ciders I've had haven't been that good and none of the local orchards brew a hard cider.

Thanks, they were.

I plan to make more rye breads as well so I'm researching new mixers designed primarily for bread. When I purchased the KA 21 years ago I wasn't really focusing on bread just general purpose mixing.

I used  Angry Orchard which I think is a national brand but I think you could use apple cider as a substitute due to the alcohol cooking off rather quickly but I'm no expert with the overall effect of the alcohol in the dough.
