I recently happened upon some Ceresota AP, which I hadn't seen before, but thought I recall someone talking somewhere about the flour but I've not located anything more than a couple posts about it's protein content. Yet I thought someone here liked it. Picked up 10# to try out.
Any thoughts on the flour?
Sister company to Heckers flour, produced by the Uhlmann Milling Co. based in Kansas City...says the google machine. I've tried Heckers - no big whoop.
OK, thanks.
It's very good for practically everything.
Could you go into a bit more what you like about it? Another member, can't remember who, really liked it but I can't remember who, or what was said.
I use it for my long fermented sourdough breads, and for yeasted breads, and for pizza, and challah, and for practically everything. Protein content is about 11.5%. Many years ago, I bought a 5lbs bag just to try and was very pleasantly surprised, so every time I see it on a shelf, it follows me home. Later, I found out that America's Test Kitchen came to the same conclusion.