Hello, my name is Ron. I'm brand new here although I've surfed your posts and articles many times. I have been impressed by the wealth of knowledge and the success of the members. It's really inspiring.
I've baked a few things in my life but pretty much have stuck to things I like to eat. Nothing fancy, a couple of cookies, some muffins and a couple of breads. I have spent the last several months working on artisan style sourdough and have been fairly happy with my results. I'm now trying to expand my repertoire.
My hope is to become a better baker. I feel that this is the place that can help me do that and also a place where I can share what I learn and have learned.
I've never joined a forum or group on so this is all pretty new to me. I probably won't say much because there are so many here who know so much more than I do but I will chime in if I feel I have something of value to say.
I have recently been offered the opportunity to bake some breads for my "brother-in laws" small sandwich shop. I'm jazzed and a bit nervous at the same time. I welcome all suggestions because I'm totally in the "experiment with every recipe I find" mode.
That's pretty much my story. I thank you for letting me join your esteemed group.
Take your time and ease into things as you become comfortable.
One small tip (although it won't help at all with your "experiment with every recipe I find" mode) is to use the Search tool at the upper right hand corner of the page. There are questions and topics that tend to surface frequently, so odds are pretty good that something you are interested in has already been discussed, probably more than once. The other benefit is that you can access the experience of people who were active TFL participants but who no longer post here.
Your opportunity to bake for the sandwich shop sounds intriguing. Keep us posted, please.
Welcome to TFL. There is a lot of information on this forum-past and present. As Mini and Paul said-get used to using the "search" box though there is currently some issue with being redirected that Floyd (our webmaster) is working on. Don't give up.
Also, there are LOTS of recipes and even a handbook-just click around on a lot of the links and see where it takes you.
A great way to get help is asking a specific question on a specific topic. Learn how to include pictures.
Congrats on being asked to provide bread for a sandwich shop. That is a set of whole new learning curves-business,health laws, ingredient procurement,consistent baking, inventory,etc.
One of the most important aspects of baking bread is developing patience and also learning how to do what your dough needs and not just what the recipe says to add or do.
Good luck and ask away!