Brooklyn Maltese Baking Academy.

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

Over at the Brooklyn Maltese Baking Academy, we are preparing for another seminar. (The students need to be fed!)

Phase 1 crepe style manicotti. 12 perfect crepes with zero wasted batter! If the filling works out as well I will be a happy baker/cook!

Introduction to pie pastry and fillings seminar menu:


Buttermilk Pancakes


Appetizer - Cheese, pepperoni, and salami platter

Starter - Cheese pizza

entrée - Crepe style manicotti

Desert (at home)

The pie that was created. (Included in the seminar price. Free!)

Now for the bread club-related part.

Today's lunch:

The third one from this last batch I froze as soon as it was cooled out of the oven. This bad boy was kept on the counter tightly warper in aluminum foil, then place in a cloth bread bag. The humidity made it soft. I crisped it up in a 300F oven unwrapped, for 12 minutes. Good as new!

Better than a sleeping pill! I have to spot eating this heavy.

You've got some skills! Looks fantastic but my cholesterol went up 20 points just looking at the pictures.

Have a great weekend with your family!
