Hallo von Deutschland. New expat from good old USA. I baked on and off in CA. Tartine got me started baking bread. The selection of bread in Germany is excellent however I feel I can do better than our favorite local bakery, ha, ha. I am still having a little trouble with the flours; in time though, I hope to create my own mix for a high hydration bread that we love. I would prefer to mainly use Roggen (rye), Dinkel (spelt) and Einkorn with a little bit of wheat.
Viele Gruße
PanBreadBrot a.k.a. Alicia
Lovely loaf there.
Welcome here! As you may have seen there is a wealth of information here and many friendly members to help each other out. Depending where you live right now you may have a hard time doing better than local bakeries. I don't know how good your German is since there are some excellent German websites that are run by very knowledgable bakers. One that I really like is: https://www.ploetzblog.de
Keep on baking!
Thank you for the link.