Starting to get the hang of it.....

Profile picture for user justkeepswimming

....and getting brave enough to post my progress. This is a no knead yeast recipe. 50% KAF AP, 50% home milled hard red winter wheat, 76% hydration. Progress!

I'm starting to feel comfortable enough with the basics to want to get into the sourdough world. Onward!

Now to figure out how to add the crumb shot.

Edit: even figured out how to add photos! I had better quit for the day while I'm ahead. ?

Good for you, for not only being brave enough to post your bake but also for figuring out how to use the software here.  Posting photos seems to be something that many bakers have a problem with, harder to figure out than shaping a boule LOL.

Nice boule by the way.  Looking forward to seeing more of your bakes.  Sharing them is a great way for all of us to learn from each other, good or bad.


Profile picture for user BXMurphy


That looks PERFECTLY proofed!

Couldn't be better. Nice, even distribution of large and small holes. Maybe just the smallest amount of unfermented dough (no holes) in the lower left-hand-corner? Probably just the the camera angle...

This is exactly what you are looking for. I'm jealous! Fantastic oven spring. Look at how tall that loaf is! The sides are almost completely vertical. You could make a sandwich out of that; no sweat.

Hey, how's the chew on that? Is it tough to chew? I'm guessing its not tough at 76% hydration. I'm also guessing the sour is coming through on that.

How long have you been milling that you only have courage to share now? This is fantastic bread-making craft work!  Good job! Did you keep notes so its repeatable? 


Murph - So far all my bakes have been with commercial yeast. I chose to get comfortable with a lot of bread making basics before diving in to the sourdough world. I had dabbled with sourdough about 10 years ago but it didn't go well. I put it all on the proverbial back burner for another day. I am signed up for a live sourdough class 2 weeks from now, looking forward to it!

As for this loaf taste - it was a gift for my hair stylist, so I didn't get to taste it. I sliced a couple of slices off the end so I could get a crumb shot and she could enjoy having some at work without having to maul the loaf, lol. The crumb was pretty soft when I gave it a gentle poke, and the crust was still nice and crisp.

I have been taking notes with every loaf. They are definitely helpful. I need to figure out a better way to organize them though, they're getting a bit chaotic. I have been repeating this result more often lately, which is nice! 

One might think home milling is beyond basic, lol, but we eat/enjoy a lot of whole grains invarious forms/recipes. After retiring a few years ago, I indulged in a flaker. With Covid, I went all in and got a Mockmill, something I have wanted for a long time. 

Looking forward to learning and baking more!!! 

Duplicate post. Can't delete. Sorry. :)

Still good job, though...


Thank you both so much! Your words of encouragement mean a lot. There are so many talented bakers on this site, and I truly appreciate being able to learn so much from everyone.