Sourdough Coffee Bread


A very good tasting chew, with butter, toasted or untoasted.  Hard to pin down the dominant flavor, but it has chocolately, coffee, and rye tones.  Finally, a sweetness imparted by 3% Mesquite bean pod flour.  Smells iffy while fermenting, but sweet once baked.

My notes and instructions below assume familiarity of the reader with some baking terms and procedures.  Methods and terms will vary a bit from baker to baker.  If you are new at this, you'll probably find some things unclear.  This is my first post of a recipe, so I apologize in advance for any lack of clarity.

Yield: two 1.7 pound round artisan loaves

Ingredients (% based on 1,000 g flour BEFORE addition of 115 g of flour in the leaven):

  • 48% Artisan Baker's Craft+ white flour (
  • 36% hard red spring WW fresh-milled berries
  • 13% whole rye fresh-milled berries
  •   3% Mesquite bean pod flour

____1000g flour before leaven added__________

  • 230 g leaven (45 % WW + 45% white + 10% whole rye at 100% hydration)
  • 80% total H2O (warm coffee, no grounds, 779g coffee+ 115 g water from leaven)
  • 1/2 tsp SAF granulated yeast
  • 22 g salt


  • Feed a new leaven from starter the night before: 30 g starter +100 g starter flour mix + 100 g water--ferment overnight at room temp
  • 7:40 AM autolyse flours, leaven, warm coffee and SAF yeast together. Target temperature of dough 78°F
  • 8:40 AM cut in salt
  • 9:10 AM fold (turn bottom of dough to top in four turns of the bowl or bucket)
  • 9:40 AM fold
  • 10:20 AM 3rd fold, bulk ferment at room temp until double or more in volume
  • 12:45 PM divide, shape into 2 rounds, "envelope fold," bench rest, covered
  • 1:15 PM basket proof
  • 2:15 PM score tops of loaves, bake at 500°F immediately reduced to 450°F in dutch ovens, 25 minutes covered, 25 minutes uncovered.