New kneader

Profile picture for user doughDEdough

Just wanted to say hey and thanks for creating a great site with a plethora of information to really accelerate you forward on your baking adventures.  I'm a new amateur sourdough baker (COVID made me do it) trying to go pro! started in May 2020 due to boredom and now within the next year I am going to set up a cottage law business likely in PA.  Its been such a great experience learning new culinary skills.  I worked culinary for years in early 2000's but got out of it.  COVID sparked the curiosity.  When the world ran out of dried yeast I had to go sowwadough.  If anyone has any experience w/ cottage laws in PA i would love to chat a bit.  Anyway thanks again for all the info! IG: doughDEdough 

Profile picture for user bakernewbie1

I can't offer any advice on cottage laws in PA unfortunately, but congrats and best of luck!! Passion and determination will get you far : )