Getting closer - timing and temps on the new oven are more sense with each bake. For benny (coz I am sure he will ask), this is 33% Canadian khorasan T55 against 66% French T65. I am really happy with the crumb today. Burst is improving but still not quite the ticket ... but close !
- kendalm's Blog
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How long are those babies? Your persistence is noteworthy!
Did you bake all 4 at once?
Have you ever gotten into Panettone?
Hey Dan, 2 bakes of 2 each all about 22 inches or just shy. I am still not confident enough to put 3+ in until I get more comfortable with timing and temps. Very fine tuning required - all the people looking for Roffies are in for a surprise working with this oven type / config and technique. It is not easy and you definitely need to monitoring plate and ambients temps. As for Pannetone - never tried them. I find them a bit dry and although they are beautiful, presentable pastries, they high on my list but there is little nagging bug so who knows. Are you planning on baking some ?
Right now and for the last month or so I have been working to build a strong Lievito Madre. Like the song says, "It ain't easy, you know it ain't easy". At least not for me.
That you of all people will conquer it. Now I need to look up Levito Madre ;)
These look fantastic with a perfect crumb.
Its always a surprise and today I was pleasantly surprised. Interestingly when I woke this am and took a peek at the dough it seemed under-developed probably due to the cooler temps. So that added to the surprise factor.
Crust, crumb and scoring all stellar!
Speaking of crust - working with this new modified pizza oven, the first many loaves I baked came out with soft pillowy crust. Took a while to figure out how to get a good eggshell crunch going. What I am really aiming to see now is more burst. Before I blew up my domestic oven (literally), I was able to get the loaves to open in such a way where it looked like inner core of bread along the entire length with grignes open on both sides all the way. Seems like the loaf is still setting a bit too early as in about 3-4 minutes where in the past it would continue to rise and expand up to 5 minutes in. Really odd how things are so funky different with a new oven type :/
Geremy your baguettes are always perfection. Glad that the Canadian khorasan T55 is doing its thing in support of the fine French T65. The colour of the crumb is beautiful as is the openness of the crumb. Elegant long and slender baguttes with gorgeous grigne and ears, your signature baguettes.
thanks benny. Now if you will please imagine the south park song with 'thank' substituted in.
Of course, gotta love Southpark. How they drew Canadians was so funny. Thanks for the chuckle, I needed that after my great Babka debacle of 2020.
and working. It took long enough to get the new oven to behave and for you to tame it, but the dividends are starting to pay off. These look just fabulous, and it looks as though you're now getting hooked on Canadian flours as well.
Mr. McKinley Morganfield is complaining that his mojo isn't completely working.
For all you Aussies: mojo = (ex.) lucky rabbit's foot
but he got it back from f** b*****. I cant say I got it back with the same panache tho. Nice call on Muddy Waters. Gotta love old blues. Now I am gonna have to line me up some howlin' wolf baby !
Wow.. those are amazing. bread goals....
Perfection! You have reached a pinnacle that few other Boulangers could ever hope to reach. These are in a class of excellence all their own!