Pain au craisin et pain l'orange

Profile picture for user SirSaccCer

Two sourdoughs diverged in a bowl, and I... well, I baked them both.

I've baked enough pain au levain by now to get more comfortable with experimenting. Now that holiday season is upon us, it's almost time to make my grandma's stollen, which I've been working to adapt for levain (to follow soon!). For me, this involves candying citrus at home, buying fruits and nuts by the pound, and of course making sure the spice drawer is well stocked. But I won't be making stollen for a week or so yet... so with a pantry full of ingredients and a levain ready to go, I put to work some freshly candied orange peel, a big bag of cranberries, and malted barley left over from a homebrewing session. Voila les deux, pain au craisin (cranberry malt) et pain l'orange (chocolate orange).

Successful experiments both! Though the cranberry bread loosened up a bit when I folded in the rather wet malt halfway through the first hour of stretching and folding. Still delicious even if it's a bit slack.

They both do look tasty and I’m sure they were.  I’m looking forward to your stollen recipe, I hope you share it with us.

Happy Baking.
