Recently I have been making fine adjustments to my oven to max out the rise of my loaves and mentioned in a post that I wasnt seeing the full rise across the length of the loaves. Having done a few ciabattas in the new CM right after cooking a few pizzas at 650F I remembered a steam comment by idaveindy regarding super heated steam. So this time while preheating I decided to go for some higher temps and this time broke my cardinal rule of never using ice / cold water. I think in the past when bumped temps, the steam teay was producing steam that was too hot and cooking the crust too early. So this time I pushed the temo to just under 500F and poured an ounce of very cold water into the steamer. I got a very satisfying rise as can be seen in the pic. the loaf on its side shows even rise from end to end. Kind of amazing really how many factors matter. Main thing is the new oven is becoming more enjoyable with each bake :)
- kendalm's Blog
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How true that is. Would you ever have thought that the new oven would take months to figure out? A minor change to technique or handling? Or once upon a time that a few too little or a few too many grams of flour or water can sometimes produce such different doughs. Between frustrating and satisfying, the changes to some minor things bounce back and forth until we figure out our own and our own kitchen's equilibrium.
The color on these looks dull, but it seems that the whole photo coloration is washed out. Aside from the oven spring giving you your typically great scoring result, are you satisfied with the caramelization on these?
They are duller than usual. I am gonna say its probably due to very low dose of water (a single ounce this time). I'm just tweeking this and that each time to see and mentally log what changed. One issue I am having is controlling the ambient temps and I have been seeing the addition of steam is dumping the ambient below 400F. So I end up with a nice hot stone and warm interior...hence loaves that havent fully risen especially in the middle. The pics coming from my horrible phone are bad but you are correct. I think if I can get it to point where Im baking with internal at 430+ and 2 ounces of steam I should be happy. Good observation !
So I did this tonight - my parents swung by sonI popped this in a pulled it a little early. This time with 2oz cold water. I timed it so that it went in at 440F after addition of steam. Way better burst. Amazing how the conditions need to be just spot on -