Does anyone have experience milling with the Mahlkönig EK43? For those unfamiliar, it is primarily known as a coffee grinder, popular with high end, third wave coffee shops over the last decade or so. My understanding is that it was originally designed for milling and spice grinding purposes. There is plenty of information about how to use it in a coffee context, but it seems like it could do an incredible job at milling, particularly for very finely ground rye, which is, to the best of my knowledge, hard to find for home bakers in the US.
I'm curious to hear about general experiences, but in particular, I'm curious if the separate prebreaker they sell is necessary for milling wheat and rye, or if I could use the same prebreaker for coffee and grains. Here is a link to the separate prebreaker:
First, I'd want one that was dedicated to non-coffee uses. The coffee oils are going to really taint your flour. This could be a good thing for some breads and bakery items but, in general, I would think it would ruin the flour for most uses.
Getting rid of the coffee flavor will be really tough with a 'dual use" grinder.
It's a very good point. I'm going with the (dual) EKK 43 for this reason.