85% whole wheat sourdough


I'm trying to up my whole grain percentage and think this is a pretty successful attempt, using mostly white whole wheat flour. I calculated the whole grain percentage figuring the Type 85 is equivalent to 50% whole wheat, 50% white. 

Nice (though fairly mild) flavor, a decent crumb though could be more open. Not sure if I over-fermented. I may want to try adding a little rye and/or spelt next time for a richer flavor. And it's a bit too salty.  But mostly happy with this! Comments and advice welcome....

(Sorry I'm not using baker's percentages, I know I should!)


1 T. ripe starter, 75g. Central Milling organic Type 85 malted, 75g.water

Final dough:

Levain from above
700g. Central Milling organic white whole wheat
234 Central Milling organic Type 85 malted
760g. water
24g. salt


Levain 6.5 hours

Autolysed flour and water 3.5 hours (overlapping with levain)

Added levain and salt to autolysed flour, pinched in

Mixed for 12 minutes, alternating slap-and-folds and rubaud method (broke it up out of boredom)

Put in Brod & Taylor proofing box at 75 degrees.

Performed 3 stretch-and-folds at 30,60 and 90 mins

Total bulk fermentation 4 hours

Divided, preshaped, rested 20 mins, shaped, put in bannetons, refrigerated 12 hours

Baked in covered Dutch oven at 500 for 20 mins, 450 for 10 mins, uncovered at 450 20 mins.