#wbd2020 #worldbreadday #worldbreadday2020
<a href='https://www.kochtopf.me/world-bread-day-2020' title='World Bread Day 2020, October 16'><picture><source srcset="https://www.kochtopf.me/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/World-Bread-Day-2020.webp" type="image/webp"/><img src='https://www.kochtopf.me/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/World-Bread-Day-2020.png' alt='World Bread Day, October 16, 2020'/></picture></a>
Here is the link https://www.kochtopf.me/world-bread-day-2020#english
This is a simple 123 Sourdough recipe using my No Muss No Fuss Whole Grain Starter (NMNF). It is 8% whole wheat, 8% whole Rye and the remainder is King Arthur bread flour. Hydration 71% and 2% salt.
The 1999 tempera abstract painting called Trees that the bread was based on
The dough is infused with finely minced fresh rosemary, garlic and Thai basil for extra flavor. The dough was developed with 100 slap and folds and then 3 sets of stretch and folds on 1 hour increments. The dough was spread out on a PAM sprayed jelly roll pan and decorated with lemon and Roma tomato slices, green onion for the stems, red onion and dried black olive pieces, Thai Basil leaves for the leaves and Crimini mushrooms for the ground. I sprayed the finished top with PAM and baked at 425 F with Mega Steam for 8 minutes and then 8 minutes at 425 F Convection.
It is simple, easy and delicious. Happy baking
- dabrownman's Blog
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I’m sure it tastes as good as it looks!
by having a piece split in half and spreading some pizza sauce on the non pretty half and topping it with pizza stuff and cheese going to freeze some for when the daughter and hubby come home for Thanksgiving.
Glad you like it Ian and happy baking!
Must taste good too!
Happy baking!
If it doesn't taste great it would ne a bread crime for sure! Glad you kike it Yippee and happy baking
and will give it to the girls at my dentist 's office on Thusrsday. They always liked my bread:-)
Who wouldn't? Bad news for you but great news for them. Be warned though, that pretty flower design is making the focaccia too pretty to eat so they may end up freezing it as well :)
I never liked Picasso paintings when I was in primary school. Thanks to you, I may be starting to like them a little...
One of the prettiest breads I‘ve ever seen.
Was Lucy involved?
Greetings, and stay safe, old friend,