100% Whole Grain - 80% rye and 20% Wheat.

Profile picture for user dabrownman

It has been a while since I made a loaf of bread.  Covid and health issues have just about made life as horrible and boring as can be among other things.  At least I can still drink a glass of wine a day:-) Lucy has really slowed down since she turned 17.  I had to make a ramp for her to get up on the bed and her hind quarters don't work as well as they used to - but she is hanging in there and a real trouper.

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We needed bread for some home made lox and since pumpernickel bagels are my favorite this was what Lucy came up with.  100% hydration 4% each molasses, cocoa, brown sugar and caramel coloring to make it dark and 4% each whole coriander and whole caraway to give it that rye bread aroma and flavor with 2% salt. Finally 5% sunflower seeds.  I wanted 10% walnuts too ....but non were found in Lucy's pantry:-(  Use walnuts if you have them with the sunflower seeds!

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We love mix,, dump and bake breads and this is one of them.  the levain was 100% hydration with 75 g of whole mixed grains, 75 g of water and 20 g of NMNF rye starter that has been in the fridge for about forever - at least 6 months.  Once it doubles then in to the fresh milled flour flour it goes with the water and all the add ins.   Then mix it up and let it sit covered in plastic for 3 hours.

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Then dump it into Yippee's Oriental Pullman Panthat is sprayed with pan release and shape a small dome on top and cover in plastic.  Once it rises to near the rim of the pan in the middle, spray the lid and slide it on and make for 32 minutes at 425 F and then 30 minutes at 400 F with the lid off till it reads 207 F on the inside.  Take put of pan and let cool on a rack.  once cool , wrap in plastic and let sit for at least 18 hours on the counter before slicing.


This is a lovely, and powerful,  whole grain rye bread.  Since we are having smoked brisket today for Labor Day, currently smoking away,  it will go perfect with that as well.  Hope you all are well and hanging in there with this pandemic crappola.


Happy Baking!

PS.  Lucy still says to not forget to have a great garden salad like this one with every dinner.


Wow beautiful bread and lovely salad.  I’m impressed with the homemade lox as well.  Looks like a wonderful meal.

I hope your health issues improve or at the very least stabilize.

Stay well.  


Hi Dab, many of us were asking about you. We missed your participation...

Hope things are well and your health is improving.


Lovely to see a post from you, dabrownman - I have really missed your input!  The loaf looks so tempting I will put it on my list to make.

stay safe and well in these strange times - good to know Lucy is keeping an eye on things too!


We are so happy to see a post from you and Lucy.  You guys have been in our thoughts and prayers.  Max, Lexi and Now Frankie miss their west coast girlfriend!

Your bread is off the charts good and has Lucy's paw prints all over it!??!

Stay safe and happy Baking my friend!

So glad to see you and your scrumptious looking bread again ??? 

How's the weather over there? I probably shouldn't complain about having another heatwave here, but temperatures here are in the 100s! I'm dying???.  

Please take good care of yourself-the girls need you. I hope things will improve soon. Please send my regards to the ladies.



I too don't post as often lately, since school work, final year project and PhD application are keeping me busy. I've run out of bread a couple of times this year. Like now I just finished my bowl of muesli for breakfast. And to be honest, I don't feel as much like posting without you and Lucy... Please don't hibernate again. My heart can't handle it :(

Happy to learn that you and Lucy are still doing ok! No excuse for forgetting to eat my salad now!

GREAT to see you here and up to your usual tricks -- great breads and maybe even greater salads.  I haven't read the other comments but in case anyone hasn't said it:  We've been worried about you dab.  But all is well.  That's very very good news.

Our very best to your apprentice.  That's one ripe old age the old girl has reached.  She must be well looked after.

Take care, stay cool (if possible) and keep in touch. 


Who says and old dog can't teach new tricks.. :)  Well done!

Good looking bread. Keep will, frank!


I would love to try making this bread. Can you tell me what "NMNF rye starter" stands for, though? Thank you, and sorry to hear about your health issues keeping you from baking :(

... and good to know that you're doing alright.

All the best,

. I don't know how you could have health issues eating such wonderful salads and breads, I'm glad your faithful apprentice is still assisting. My poodle, Barney is having some of the same issues at 12 years old but he's a big 80# dog and they don't live as long as the smaller breeds. Anyway it's wonderful to hear from you again.  Patsy

With all the weird and surreal stuff going on these days seeing again one of your familiar blog posts is somehow reassuring, a bit of normal in the chaos...I have missed you Dab, thanks for letting us know you're ok!  I hope you and your family stay safe, stay well.

Of people that missed you! And you have got to give Lucy some slack. At 17, it’s not that easy to get to the store to make sure you have walnuts in case you need them! And I’m glad to note that you are catering to her needs. I’m sure she appreciates those steps! 

The bread looks amazing! Might have to get a Pullman pan one of these days. 

Stay safe!

is a whole grain rye starter that Lucy came up with many years now.  It stands for No Muss No Fuss.  If you type that in the search box you will find the post that tells you all about it.  In general Lucy was tired of maintaining a starter on the counter, being chained to it for feeding and wasting all of that flour that was thrown away every time you fed it as discard.  NMNF has no maintenance, no discard and you can keep it in your refrigerator for half a year and it won.t mind if you forget all about it.  It also is made to create a mire sour sourdough bread too.  Just take 10 g of NMNF starter build a levain with it and make a levain with it and there you go.  Dan has been trying to get me to update my post on NMNF starter and I promised him I would so I will get to it sooner rather than later.  Here is the link from 2008


fine posts.  Quite some time ago now, I took Lucy to the vet to have her put down because she was so sick and had stopped eating.  I didn't want her to suffer.  We went to a new vet and she took one look at her and said I know exactly what is wrong with her.  She isn't dying, at least not yet but you are killing her.  She was in renal failure because she could no longer process the protein in her high end food.  This fabulous vet vet said she would keep her overnight, give her an IV and give us a prescription for special dog food that was low in protein, $3 a can, and that she would be fine...and she has been ever since going on 18 months now.  If I wouldn't have taken her to that vet, Lucy would be dead for sure.

As far as my own health problems go, had to cut out the carbs to keep my A1C under 7.  I've had laser surgery on both eyes now and get regular injections in both, yikes, just to keep from going blind and stop the retina bleeding.  Diabetes is diabolical as you get older if you don' mind your diet.  I am swimming an hour a day since it is still 104 F here AZ.  So, I'm in good shape now and hope to stay that way.  If they try to take away my glass of red wine then there will hell to pay:-)  

Still make great food, meat, veggies and salads sans carbs and here are a couple of pictures of a brisket made the Franklin way in my new fabulous pellet smoker over Labor day, check out that smoke ring, and a nice nectarine salad.  Mr Franklin in Austin Texas makes the best brisket in the world if you discount DaBrownman who has been making smoked meats longer than Franklin has been alive:-)

Once again thanks for being you!  Hope to see you all get in there for World Bread Day!

Ian needs to tell Lucy about the new doggie!

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Happy baking Fresh Lofians!

Profile picture for user dabrownman

going for a PhD is the best thing ever.  You go girl!  There is no stopping you.

Sorry to hear about Barney.  Poodles are so smart and why they are crossed with so many other breeds to make doddles! My daughters aussie doodle is 1 year old now and the best dog ever!  Here is her apprentice Mabel!

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