Elongated Alveoli

Profile picture for user sourdough.burr.ead

I am just wondering if anybody knows why some alveoli are elongated and some are round? Does it have to do with oven spring? Or the folding technique? Any ideas would be great. 

This bread had a 6 hour levain build until doubled. 

2 hour autolyse

20% levain added followed by 30 min rest and then salt added and 10 min slap and fold. Bulk ferment was 5.25 hr with 4 stretch and folds, preshape, 25 min bench rest, final shape, 16 hour cold proof. 


Profile picture for user pall.ecuador

I'm interested to know what people say about this too.

The bubbles,round or elongated appearance has to do with the way the loaf was cut.  

Gas bubbles will expand in the oven heat and rise if the dough lets them.  They also lay in direction forming a "grain" in the dough during bulk fermentation.  Take part of the remainder of the loaf and slice horizontally (like the photos over on the community baguette posting, or just look at those baguette photos.) How the dough is folded will affect the direction of the bubbles and dough rising into scores will also show the motion of that uncooked dough moving into the score as the loaf "springs."  You can see how the loaf was shaped from the crumb shot and the way the dough moved into the score and expanded. The dough will move in the direction of least resistance.  

As dough ferments and progresses bubbles loose their roundness and become elongated, and eventually loose their shape and collapse into each other to form bigger bubbles or gaps.  Smaller bubbles tend to be more round and larger ones not.