Avancini SP3 Table Top Spiral Mixer For Sale


Hi all. Its been awhile. I have one of these I'm wanting to sell but not sure how to go about it being that it's so specialized.

Any interest or advice will be greatly appreciated.

Dhaus, would probably be helpful if you could post a little history of the machine, cost etc. Also pictures would be helpful. 

If you don't have any luck here, you might want to try PizzaMaking.com  https://www.pizzamaking.com/forum/index.php 

There always seems to be interest in larger table top mixers over there, especially spiral mixers. Good Luck!






Thank you Dave. I'm Darren

The mixer Italian and was manufactured in 20I6. I purchased it new in 2017.It is a monster.  I have some health issues that's gotten me behind.

Here are some pics and thanks for the link.