Hi all. I’m new to this forum but I have become obsessed with my newfound sourdough hobby and I am getting pretty good at it.
i just received my Challenger bread pan. I have been using a baking steel with steam with good results. I generally bake 20 m at 500 F with steam then remove steam and drop to 450 for 20 mins. I usually bake Big Tartine style loaves.
when using the new pan, should I start with 20 m at 500 F, then expect about 20 mins more once uncovered, but keep an eye on it? Or should I uncover sooner? Any advice from those who have baked both ways?
is it a good idea to generate a little extra steam in the pan?
I’m attaching a photo of today’s bake with a baking steel and steam pans, just as an introduction, I guess ? Though the crumb is not as open as I was hoping, it is delicious anyway.
20 min. with lid on is a good time for medium to large sourdough loaves. Some do 18 min., some do 25, but if 20 has worked so far, it most certainly also will with your new bread pan.
I agree with BaniJP that 20 mins should be fine with the lid on that is what I’ve always done with my Dutch oven and the Challenger bread pan should work the same way. In terms of extra steam, I’ve read some people put a couple of ice cubes in there beside the dough, but that can drop the temperature of the pan a bit. Others may spritz some water in there instead. Lots of people don’t do anything extra and just let the steam generated from the baking bread do the work which seems to work well for them.
Thanks for the responses. I’m working on a spelt multigrain today for baking tomorrow. Wish me luck! I have heavy duty heat proof gloves but I am still slightly intimidated.
Hi Christine,
Yes, agree with what has been said above. I bought mine this past December and have baked several loaves since. They come out very professional-looking and no need to mess with creating additional steam but you can if you want.
I've been pre-heating the pan plus lid for one hour at 500F smack in the middle rack. Right below it, I have a pizza stone and one level down I have a second pizza stone. The bottom of my loaves never burns as some people have mentioned. Perhaps the stones below even out the heat and buffer the pan from direct heat coming out from the bottom of the oven. I usually bake high hydration doughs (75-80%) so this might also prevent scorching although I think the stones have a bigger impact.
As soon as I load the loaf and cover it, I decrease the the oven temperature to 450F and bake for 20m. Then finish off, uncovered, for 20m or 30m more.
I'm going to experiment next time by lowering the pan plus stones by one notch to try to get more heat from the bottom. I feel my breads could use more intense heat from the underside.
Enjoy your pan, it gives excellent results every time!
I bought the pan as well and I love it. Best bread ever. I use to cook my breads at 550 degrees for 20 minutes in my clay bakers. I brought it down to 500 in the Challenger pan. I also slide my bread onto the plate with a parchment sheet cut to size. I leave it in the bake the entire time. I lower the heat to 400 when I open the pan cover. I put two ice cubes in the pan when I first load the bread. They create lots of steam inside the pan and that creates wonderful blistering on the outside of the loaf. I love this pan.