I have an Emile Henry bread/potato pot, which is great for baking boules. I have this banneton, but it seems slightly too large for the pot- the sloped sides allow it to spread too much.
The banneton is 6 inches at the base, 10 inches at the top. The 6" base is fine, but I want something with sides that are steeper. Any ideas?
Do you like the loaf to completely fill the base of the pot or do you want it to me smaller so it will have it own shape instead of just taking on the pot's shape?
The pot will actually give you loaf a lot of support to spring tall. but my preference is to have a cloche that just provides the steam environment to fit a smaller loaf to take it's own shape.
i use a 7" round banneton which i think is like 6 3/4 on the inside of the top, the dough doesnt really come to the top, so i'd say it's a 6" round unbaked. after baking it's about 7.5" at the waist. that's about a 650g loaf
I like it to completely fill the pot, I find that the oven spring is better that way. But maybe I need to experiment some more. A 7" round banneton would probably be better for me, I will look for one. Thanks!