Here is the data sheet for the bottled spring water that I use for both the starter and the main dough. It's Crystal Geyser, sold at Big Lots.
They have several sources and bottling plants. This is their Johnstown NY plant.
To see the others, go to
click the 3-bar menu, then FAQS, then scroll down.
Here is an excerpt:
“MCL” Indicates maximum contaminant level as established by US FDA for bottled water.
ANALYSIS PERFORMED / MCL (mg/L) / Level Found (mg/L)
Secondary Inorganics
- Alkalinity -- 140
- Aluminum 0.2 ND
- Bicarbonat -- 170
- Boron -- ND
- Bromide -- 0.011
- Calcium -- 52
- Carbonate -- ND
- Chloride 250 28
- Copper 1 ND
- Corrosivity -- 0.56
- Foaming Agents -- ND
- Hardness, Calcium -- 130
- Hardness, Total -- 170
- Hydroxide -- ND
- Iron 0.3 ND
- Magnesium -- 10
- Manganese 0.05 0.0025
- Orthophosphate -- 0.016
- pH See endnote4 8.0
- Phenol 0.001 ND
- Potassium -- ND
- Silver 0.1 ND
- Sodium -- 9.6
- Specific Conductance -- umho/cm 400
- Sulfate 250 13
- TDS 500 210
- Zinc 5 ND