Hi Forum members – please help me with your suggestion for this buckwheat groats sourdough starter.
I found this recipe on the net and it seems simple to make this gluten free sourdough starter. I have had no luck making a starter.
I need some help regarding the rising of the sourdough bread when I use the starter.
Most breads gluten free are mostly quite flat am aware, but once I make this groats BW starter how do I incorporate it – so that the bread will rise alittle.
On the website she has a recipe for the bread, but it is mostly flat.
Appreciate your kind help.
The first thing I thought went through my head when I started watching the video was to ask myself why are they using quinoa when they're talking about a buckwheat recipe. Maybe it's just the camera is far away but it doesn't even look like buckwheat groats to me, they look smaller and more yellow than the ones that I get.
That said, I have been very successful with making gluten-free teff sourdough for years. I tried buckwheat multiple times and couldn't get it to ferment. It just got funky. I started with the flour and not the groats however, trying both grinding my own from the raw groats for the lighter flour and using regular buckwheat flour, the darker stronger flavored. Neither worked.
Did you contact the website owner to see if they had suggestions or to help you troubleshoot? I might try it again using their recipe but I'm working on something else right now.
to me. With non gluten flour starters, it often helps to stretch a thin latex glove over the starter jar and let the gasses fill up the glove for proof of gas production.
thank you all for your replies - i thought of buckwheat as it reminds me of wheat which i have tried to avoid
thank you again