Shaping a Sourdough Boule

Profile picture for user Grant Bakes

Hey bakers,

Today I made a video of how I usually shape a sourdough boule. This is a really easy method for me, as it's very similar to the "Stretch and Fold" process. The video is included below for anyone who wants to see it!

Happy baking,



Enjoyed the video. I am always looking to improve my dough shaping and tightening skills. Would you mind shading the bread recipe you used?

Also, another request. I always love instructional bread making videos that focus on a specific part of the process... But, what puts those videos over the top for me is if the video shows the baked bread and crumb shot at the end. Makes me more likely to trust the teacher when I see an awesome end result.

Great lighting, camera angles, speed, and dialogue!