I’m forced to do cold bulk.. need some help!

Profile picture for user Kinasih

So the first instinct was to put them in the fridge and open TFL ?


i have two batches of SD (one was using Vanessa Kimbell 20% WW and the other was from Basic open crumb sourdough Kristen)
during bulk just now, I have to leave and not sure what do I need to do when I come back to it, probably tomorrow?)


the BOCSD from Fullproofbaking was already on its way with coil and folds number three but the dough was a bit slack and I though it need more but I can’t wait. 
the other one from Vanessa, was in the beginning of bulk (probably 30 mins or so) and i plan to divide the dough into two loaves.


now they both stay in the chiller/fridge with 4-5C and I will be able to go back to them tomorrow morning.


my question is, so what do i do then?

from what i read, i divide - preshape - rest for 30 mins - shape and it goes to the oven when the poke test is good.

my room temperature is 27-28,5 


hmmm.. thoughts?

