So it's been years since I last baked. How many? I'm not sure. The concept of time and myself are not allies. Yet, this doesn't matter. In fact, I see it as a blessing. Nostalgia often softens the edges of memory.
If your a little confused, that's completely normal, I seem to have that effect—Sorry!
Just a forewarning though, I will talk. Alot. My perfect outing is visting the nursing home where my mother works. I can spend hours there with the residents. It's not charitable- I'm not a good person... well I hope I am but, my motive is selfish here. I love spending time with them, learning about the lives they lead, what and where they have been (and most importantly, they can't run away from my chatter!)
Wasn't always like this. Used to be a little shy. I used to worked 9 to 5. I used to be many things.
Then had a stroke like event when I was in my twenties. Later, diagnosed with a fun little condition that makes life FAR more "interesting".
So, Yes. I used to be alot of things. Then I forgot. Alot. I still do forget. But I also relearn. Constantly.
I am even better. Maybe not so lucky in the health part but in every other way.
Used to be less.
I have become so much more.
Though don't get the wrong idea. It's not unicorn rainbows and sunshine.
If I want to relearn baking, issues arise straight away.
How does one knead with one hand and limited use of the other. (That's easy enough for me- sheer determination... and my forehead- it's round and flat-ish!) But I'm not technically allowed to stand for more than 5 minutes, (Tim's already obtained a special chair awww). No ovens or sharp objects (cause they're not so dangerous? The 3rd time I set the kitchen on fire.) Lose feeling or sensation without coherent knowledge... (well is the oven on? Hmm my skin blistering says yes!) Seizures abound (which would be fantastic for any shake mixing but probably not the best health and safety). Just a few of the logistic issues that need to be, somewhat delegated.
But this time, it is FAR more entertaining. As my amazing partner, Tim says "Now we're going to work for it".
And that makes it sweeter, more interesting and yes, far more engaging.
Because, we are problem solvers. We thrive in the moment of solutions.
We, humanity (and bakers because hey- I'm allowed to be biased here), can not only overcome crappy circumstances. We can also adjust our world, our selves, even our perceptions to really thrive.
But yeah, so all of this was just random thoughts I had this morning. Thinking on how we have solved our dilemmas but we don't celebrate them enough. Not so much mine but all of us as a whole. (Ok also mine too.) But overall we have overcome so much. To have kitchens, and warmth on-demand, the miracle of ovens. For me to be able to stand where I am- it is a collective effort of a great many.
I was and still a little awestruck. And it all started with the sole intent of me wanting to say:
"Hi, I baked a loaf of bread today."
So thank you. To the community here for so many helpful posts. I know I am new but hope I can return even a small part of all the knowledge received.
Also to humanity. Cause even though I'm special in all the right ways! I was told I wouldn't see another year. This, many years later, I am still here. And I baked bread.
So much ramble for 1st post
—told you I talked too much!
Will limit random thoughts for everyone's sanity in future posts :)
- Zzz's Blog
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I love this post so much, and as far as I'm concerned - it's your blog you can ramble if you want to. I too have overcome unexpected roadblocks and really enjoy reading how others smash down those barriers and keep plugging along. It's amazing what we can accomplish with a little determination and help from our friends, family, and online community.
So blog on, my friend, I'm anxious to read about your baking exploits, both disastrous and praiseworthy.
Thank you SheriW, so nice to see your comment! And encouragement.
My partner wasn't impressed enough to eat first loaf but his still cheering me on. Think I will have to add bacon for him to brave it.
Will try again this week, have new carer who doesn't mind using the oven. I think I can convert her too! She was very intrigued with baking our own bread. Smell of fresh bread is enough to tempt almost anyone.
Will post photos of adventures, no matter if it looks like we faced down flour dragons
And again, thank you :)
I've made bread with crumbled bacon, delicious. Whenever I make a wonky loaf of bread, my husband always says "We're not going to hang it on the wall, we're just going to eat it."
Happy baking!