Bread Machine and Bread Machine Book(s) - WS0598, Brody & Apter

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I just got a Williams Sonoma WS0598 bread machine off Craigs List (Austin, TX). Williams Sonoma no longer makes their own bread machine, and I had to get the manual (copy) on Ebay. 

I also got the book "Bread Machine Baking" (revised edition) by Brody & Apter. I had to go to to get this.

Before I make my first bread, I have a question ... in the Brody/Apter book, they often say "put the machine on dough, take out the dough and bake the break in the oven".

What's up with that? I always thought that you put the ingredients into the machine bucket, turned it on and out pops a fully baked loaf of bread. Am I wrong? Doesn't following these recipes amount to using your bread machine as a counter-top mixer and nothing more?

I'd love to find baking classes in Austin, TX but nothing is going to happen until the 'Rona virus leaves us alone.

Not all formulas (recipes) for bread match the pre-programmed rising and baking cycles (times and temperatures) of machines.

The recipe might call for less, or more, rising than what the machine can do.

The recipe might call for a hotter or cooler baking temperature than what the machine can do.

The recipe might call for a longer or shorter bake time than what the machine can do.

The recipe might be better suited for a free-form shape (boule, batard, baguette) than the machine's pan.


I used a bread machine for years before switching to artisan style loaves.  I still use it a couple times a year.


My favorite video lessons on bread are from Steve Gamelin:

He got me into artisan-style no-knead bread, and showed me how simple it can be.  My favorite Gamelin video is: for a 50% WW loaf.  3 cups flour, 1/4 tsp instant yeast, 1.5 tsp salt, 13 oz tap water, 1 tbsp oil, 1 tbsp honey.  No kneading. Overnight rise. Stretch, pull, de-gas. 90 minute proof. 35-40 min bake in dutch oven or covered casserole.

He's also got a thing where he takes two identical bread pans, and two large binder clips and makes a make-shift dutch oven out of them.

Welcome to TFL.

Hi Charles, 

you've got yourself a good bread machine. Congratulations!

On the front panel of the machine there is a menu, it gives you several choices for breads made from start to finish, also there is a choice for making dough (not bread, but raw dough from start to finish) and also an option for baking only. Meaning you can make your dough elsewhere or buy it from the store ready made, frozen or simply refrigerated, and bake it inside your machine. 

That is why the book tells you to make dough in the machine, but bake it in the oven. This way you can make small buns, or long loaves, freestyle, or in different bread pans of different sizes and shapes, pizzas and pies, or use the machine to make dough for pancakes or waffles and fry them etc. 

