Dzień dobry from Poland!

Profile picture for user bigos

Dzień dobry! Good morning!

I'm very happy I can start my adventure with members of this forum. I found it accidentally and it looks like a great treasury of knowledge. I live in Poland, where bread has always been of good quality, but since I started to be interested in home-made baking, I know that it can be even better. If you have any questions about bread in Poland or I could help you somehow, feel free to ask. 

Have a good day everybody!

Profile picture for user albacore

Welcome to The Fresh Loaf! I am sure you will enjoy being here; it's a great source of knowledge, imparted by lots of friendly forum members!

I have used a few Polish flours, mainly Lubella brand, which seem of good quality.

Would you say Polish rye bread is similar to German versions?
