Troubleshooting starter - hooch and not rising


Hi everyone, 

I need some help with my starter. I started it on the 29/04 so it's only a few days old. It is my first ever try, I didn't have distilled water and I'm not even sure if the flour I'm using is unbleached. I used the recommended mixture by Joshua Weissman on YouTube for the first mix and a few of the first feedings, this was:

Day 1: 100g wholemeal flour (I didn't have rye) and 150g lukewarm water

I then fed it every 24hrs 

First feeding: 70g starter, 50g wholemeal, 50g strong white bread flour, 115g water

Second feeding: same as first 

I then moved it to a slightly cooler area

Third feeding: starter, wholemeal flour and water in 1:1:1 proportions, (70g) 

And finally getting to my issue:

After the first feeding I left it in quite a warm spot (on a warm surface) and after 24 hours it rose by about 1/3 and had lots of bubbles on top. There was a layer of liquid (hooch?) in the middle of bubbly starter and the nonbubbly starter. It was just separated.

I used the top layer for my feeding and discarded the rest. It smelt strongly of vinegar. 

After every feeding the starter keeps forming a vinegary liquid on top (hooch I'm guessing), even after I moved it to a cooler area (room temp in a ventilated kitchen). And it hasn't risen at all since the first feeding. There are some bubbles. What am I doing wrong?  I have started to feed it twice a day, about 12 hours apart now. Is there anything else I could do or try? 

 Any advice will be greatly appreciated,

Thanks in advance!