More breadbaking in Hawaii

Profile picture for user HiloBaker

Made more bread using my starter from Tin Shack Bakery in Pahoa -- this is Jeffrey Hamelman's Whole Wheat with pâte fermentée. (I didn't have enough old dough, so fed some of my starter and added that.)


These rose up nice and light.

Due to the vigor of the starter, and the warm temps here, I have been letting my builds go no more than 8 hours -- the starter seems to peak by then.

Hoping to try pita bread this week -- that's difficult to find here.

Stay safe and keep baking!



Profile picture for user seasidejess

What appetizing loaves of bread!  I love the seed sprinkle, too. So pretty. 

Aloha from Maui!
I too find that I cant ferment very long or things will over proof, its like a built in proofing box living in Hawaii!