Hello from South Australia!

Profile picture for user Violet Foxtrot

Hello! Long time lurker here - I have found such a wealth of information on this forum, it was about time I joined. I bet there are loads of new members because of lockdown baking!

As an avid and experienced cook, I've been baking my own bread for many years, but only the odd loaf here and there, so I still see myself as a newbie bread maker.

My main interest is in wholegrain bread with as much goodness packed into it as possible, and have tweaked recipes over time to have maximum seeds and grains, but have only just discovered Reinhart's WGB and am struggling with sticky dough! My other focus when it comes to bread is that it must be vegan, but it's one of the easiest things to veganise, so that's no problem. My Holy Grail is perfect toast - not quite there yet!

Anyway, I'm sure I'll have questions, and more questions. Just thought I'd say hello first! :)