How significant is the difference between brushing my loaf with water, and using a countertop steam convection oven? This is the one I'm considering: https://www.amazon.com/Cuisinart-CSO-300N1-Steam-Convection-Stainless/dp/B01JRT2WOG
I do not have space in my kitchen for an oven, but I do have a countertop convection oven. Because of the size of the oven, I can't introduce steam with a pan filled with water. Currently, I brush water onto all of my loaves with a pastry brush, and it has worked well enough.
Mike, there are lots of posts on that oven here. https://forums.egullet.org/topic/153705-cuisinart-combo-steamconvection-oven-part-3/ I don't have one, so can't comment.
Yes!! Get it!! Had I not gotten my toaster oven, I would've gotten it.