Creeping Dough

Profile picture for user Philippe Paulissen

Hi Group,

I had to change my ducth oven and went for something larger. By doing this, the dough was litterally creeping and the loaf kept a low shape as you can see on the picture. Scoring marks healed immediately !

This is a 75% hydratation dough. (All purpose flour 75 % + Dark Rye Flour 12.5% + Spelt 12.5%)

Maybe, my APF is not perfect and i should reduce the hydratation rate ti keep a more ferm dough.

What do you think ?


Thanks in advance

Increase all the amounts in the recipe, say by 25% or even 50%. That should result in a larger loaf, but with less spread.

increase the dough amount or get a smaller pot. 

You can also try to reduce the hydration down to 70%. :)

Whole flours and rye (like the combo btw) will speed up fermentation so there is also add an extra fold or two and get into the final rise sooner to bake sooner.