Hello from SW Ontario


Hello there!

I am not a new baker. I grew up baking bread from scratch with my mom, and my dad bakes all his own bread now (since my mom has passed on). I probably wouldn't have stopped in here, except that with the extra time on my hands this past week, I started a sourdough starter! Sourdough is one area of bread making that has always fascinated me, but I never had the time to really test out. Of course I am back to work for the next week, but after that, I may be off again for a few weeks, I am thinking by the time next weekend rolls around, I should have a well developed starter going (started it 2 days ago), and I should be good to go to play around with some sourdough breads.

Good thing that when I have the time off, I also have the time for workouts... right???

Cindy, AKA MamaC of the Zondervan Clan ;)


Good morning thank you for friendship 

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

I am from North Western Ontario. Looking forward to your posts. 

Welcome to TFL Cindy.  Good luck with your new adventure with sourdough baking.  I’m Benny from Toronto and I started my starter about a year ago and I’m enjoying working with sourdough.