Vital Wheat Gluten


I see this in some KAF recipes like

Instead of VWG, I have been using KAF high gluten flour rather than bread flour for the non-whole wheat part of the flour.  The results are OK, not great.  I'd like to get more oven spring.

VWG, however does not appear in "Bread" or "BBA¨.  Is it worth trying?  Or can you get good gluten structure without it?


Louis, you are getting a similar affect by using high gluten flour in place of bread flour. Vital Wheat Flour consist of mostly wheat gluten. Your present plan seems like a good one.

I assume you are using commercial yeast and not sourdough. Is this correct?

The KA formula you referenced calls for ~28% white flour. You may consider upping the percentage of white flour a little. This should little the loaf and increase the loft (oven spring).

Try to under ferment the dough a little. Better to err on that side. If it over proofs there will be little to no oven spring.


By the way - every baker can always use more oven spring. It’s the stuff dreams are made of. LOL

Yes, I use SAF instant yeast.  You are very right about underproofing.  I have started baking a little sooner and am getting better spring.

I finally got a nice open crumb, OK oven spring, and a nice crust with a KAF no-knead recipe (using high gluten instead of bread flour and VWG).   In a boule in a dutch oven.

Now if only I could do it with a bâtard on a stone.