Great News for bakers that don’t use sourdough. Our next Community Bake featuring the Affordable Loaf that can be baked using commercial yeast. The main goal is to promote whole grain breads.
If you haven’t heard about The Bread Lab and the Affordable Loaf, see this link.
Bakers that don’t use sourdough are welcome and encouraged to join this Community Bake and all others.
Any baker using commercial yeast are always welcomed in the Community Bakes. If you choose the bake in any Community Bake, let us know and we’ll provide a formula that doesn’t require a sourdough culture.
I’ve made the “affordable loaf” twice now using a starter, but I’d love to have an “all yeast” recipe too.
I am not experienced with commercial yeast, but a poolish sounds super promising. The thought is it would provide loads of complex flavor. Maybe also a natural dough conditioner?
If others don’t reply with help and you need assistance, let me know. I'm thinking a poolish similar to those used with Ciabatta.
I am interested in the formula for the Affordable Loaf community bake.