The Super Bowl

Profile picture for user dabrownman

Being a twin and the 2nd one born, my twin has always said I was a real 'Born Loser'.  But this year's birthday is a very special one because my birthday is on 02-02-2020 .....the same day as the Super Bowl.  It seems fitting that my Chiefs are favored to win by 2 by the bookies.  But they are oh so wrong!  I think the Chiefs will win by 20.  So I'm taking the 200 to 1 odds that they will do so and putting 20 bucks on it.  I'm getting ready to celebrate their huge 20 point win by making pizza in the toaster oven using home made tortillas....... and washing it down with a bottle of 20 year old Amarone that I paid about $20 for so long ago!

The only thing that would be better is if I was going to be 20 years old this Sunday instead of ...........68!


Lucy says to have a salad with that pizza! 

Congratulations on your upcoming birthday DAB, 2 FEB is Mrs PGs birthday as well. While she has hinted at having something "nice" and probably complicated in preparation for the game, there are a couple of containers of my latest batch of chili in the freezer that would suit me just fine. As a long suffering Chiefs fan, through a lot of bad years and far too few good years, I will probably be too preoccupied with the game to execute the preparations for the nice meal. Enjoy the game and don't forget to protect Lucy's ears, she may need that protection.

I went to an ATM machine this afternoon and it dished out $$$ in twenties, all in twenties!  First time that happened to me.  I paid at Hy-Vee grocery 6 twenties and got $2.20 back.   Hope your twenty fun just keeps happening.  I'm in Iowa.  Started off the day turning on the tv around 4am showing "I love ❤️ Lucy."    Great fun!


What a treat to have your big day on Super Bowl Sunday especially when your favorite team is playing.  I will be routing for your Chiefs as well.  Hopefully by the time I leave this earth the Jets will be back in the Super Bowl, but I wouldn't bet on it ?.

So glad to see Lucy looking well.

Have a great Birthday and Super Bowl!

Best Regards from the East Coast Gang.

Happy Birthday young feller.  I beat you to that respectable number by 2 months.  So far so good.

And many more.

Take care,


Age is just a number! Make sure you party like you were 20 today! ???

days that is until your next birthday given it's a leap year.. as was '52.. have a great day! GO Chiefs!

And that's even if they don’t let you cuddle up to the Lombardi Trophy for a while.  

Go Chiefs!

Not quite a 20 point spread, but they won!  Hope that was a good enough present, and you had a great day!

My nephew is also a Groundhog birthday boy.  He was sick on your shared birthday/Super Bowl. 

So, we celebrated the following Sunday at a new restaurant in town called The Old Beach Tavern (about 20 miles or more from the beach...)  The semi-homemade chocolate 6 ways Bundt cake I make for him was a success with my picky nephew and the wait staff suggested I bake more to sell to the restaurant for resale.  It was a triple chocolate fudge super moist cake mix, dry instant chocolate pudding mix, Ghirardelli 60% cacoa chocolate chips, a few secret ingredients, etc. and canned/store bought chocolate fudge frosting.  I would have made scratch chocolate frosting or icing, but had a clothes dryer emergency eat my frosting time.

I hope you enjoyed your Super Bowl feast.  So glad the Chiefs beat the other guys...Hubby (a Seahawks fan) is not very fond of the other guys.  ;-)


I read an older blog (2017) post of yours that you have been able to get to 80% extraction rates when grinding your own wheat berries.  I am very happy with my Komo grinder when using hard red or white berries (or rye berries) for my artisan breads but less than satisfied when trying to get something close to AP flour for "lighter" dough (for brioche, cookies, pizza, Japanese milk bread).  I haven't done better than about 91% extraction -- grinding the berries as fine as I can and using #20, #30 and #50 sieves.  What technique did you use to get to 80%?  Thanks for your time!  I'd prefer not to keep purchasing AP flour if I can figure out a way to get close to its performance with my supply of wheat berries. :)

Belated birthday greetingsI honestly don’t remember the Super Bowl. I remember the night before the Super Bowl because we celebrated my cousins birthday with amazing homemade bread and a wonderful meal and discussion of Covid.  Already in China and they were doctors present. It seems a long time ago but there is bread in the oven right now in the worst is hopefully behind us. Happy baking