What happened to the bread crumb?


Hi, I’m new to artisan baking and I’ve followed a basic recipe of 

230g flour, 175g water, 2.5g yeast, 4.5g salt.

bulked for 4 hours, fold x1 set, proof 30 mins, bake.


the area that I circled has some sort of line and flour. What is it and what’s the cause to it? Is it the recipe or handling...? Any way to prevent that?




Is it possible that there were hard bits of flour? For example if you autolyse, but don't sufficiently wet all of the flour you might end up with hard clumps. Another possibility is that too much flour was incorporated during the shaping of the dough, but I think dough that wasn't properly mixed is probably more likely. 

Might also be that those bits are dried dough skin or bits from the bowl.

So next time make sure your flour is properly hydrated and cover the proofing bowl with a wet towel, clingfilm or similar (if you're not doing that already).

I’ve had that happen when I wasn’t careful during final shaping and had flour on the top of the dough as I was folding the top down or sides inwards.  That dry flour will then leave you with a line of flour in your baked bread.  I try to use the minimum amount of flour and rather than tons on the dough or on the work surface, light dust my hands where I will be touching the dough.


Are you using a lot of flour when shaping?  If yes, then most likely it is some of that flour that you have folded in.