Cold temperature means the LAB are producing acetic acid (tang) and warm means the LAB are producing Lactic acid; Bran acts like a buffer, besides providing all the great minerals and vitamins, in the dough. Bran allows the LAB to continue to produce acid at pH levels that would normally shut down the LAB from producing acid at all. 84 F is the best temp for yeast to reproduce and 92 F is the best temperature for LAB reproduction. At 93 F yeast are reproducing at a restricted rate like it was 44F. So, if you restrict yeast reproduction and promote LAB reproduction you are vastly increasing the LAB to yeast ratio in the starter and dough. More LAB and less yeast mean more acid production over a longer time and a more sour bread because proofing times are extended due to less yeast in the mix. A great SD bread has both tang and sour! This basic science was the foundation of the No Muss No Fuss Whole Rye Starter and how to make more sour bread. You can manipulate the LAB to yeast ratio in starters and dough and you can control the tang and sour in your breads using temperature and science.
Happy Sourdough baking.
Short Crust Bottom and Puff Paste Top for the latest Apple Pie with ginger and snockered fruits with Vanilla Bean Ice Creame
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The pie looks mouthwateringly good, but what the heck are "snockered" fruits? (Thanks for the interesting proofing link, an interesting read).
Dried ones that have been re-hydrated in Bourbon. I usually put about half a cup of them in a Pyrex cup measure and put Bourbon in just to not even cover, cover with plastic wrap and put it in the MW for 30-40 seconds on high. Non snockered dried fruits are just..... old dried fruits. I pour off some of the the soaking bourbon before adding it to the pie and use that to put over the ice cream when serving:-) Unlike un-snockered dried fruits, no bourbon ever goes to waste around here!
That pie, before I added the puff paste top and took out half the sugars and replaced the brandy with bourbon, won the very first 'Best Pie in America' on the Food Network during one of the first years they were in the air. I think it was called the '4th of July America Celebration Pie.' It remains one of the best pies I have ever made that is easy as pie...... if you forget about all the work that goes into it!
Glad you like the post. I ran across the article and said that sounds lust like my posts about how to make a moire sour bread..... except that some of the finer detials were missing and the author knows how to write and spell:-)
Happy sour baking in 2020 Cellarvie!
Dab, this link was an absolute gift for me! I hope to remember it for a resource both for myself and also as great info to be passed on to others that express an interest in sour flavored sd. I have never come across an article on the subject that was more straightforward and well written. I plan to crawl all over this site...
Glad to read you are still baking!
Wishing you, Lucy, and those dear to you an absolutely outstanding 2020.
I never got around to revising and updating my posts on the NMNF starter and making sour bread like you suggested but it is still on the 'to do' list to. Sadly, I ignore anything on a 'to do' list in retirement, but one day I may surprise you :-) I still read everything I can about SD bread making even though I don't make many anymore except for the wife's sandwiches and the occasional Pumpernickel Bagel or 100% whole rye or grain bread for home make lox and nova lox.
Glad to see you are still active on the site! It continue to improve and move forward!
Happy 2020 to you and yours and Happy Baking too!