So in the bread company i am working i asked for starter but they gave me fermented?
1.So can i make it a starter?
2.And if not in the end how do i use it anyways?
Thanks ! and happy new year guys!
So in the bread company i am working i asked for starter but they gave me fermented?
1.So can i make it a starter?
2.And if not in the end how do i use it anyways?
Thanks ! and happy new year guys!
Historically "Old Dough" was used as yeast for today's bread. It was mixed in with the new ingredients and after it proofed, a portion was saved for tomorrow ( or the next bake). To convert it into a Sourdough Starter, just take a portion of the old dough and mix it with an equal quantity (weight) of water and flour. Cover it loosely and watch it rise. You might need to discard all but a couple of ounces of that new starter after it rises and feed the remainder again with a 50/50 water flour/water mix. It's ready to use as a sourdough starter when it's doubling in volume (rising) is 6 hours or so.
i see so after that i leave the starter outside and feed it everyday? or can i use refrigerator and how?
Your choice. If you use it often keep it a room temp and feed every day. If you use it occasionally, refrigerate it and revive it when you need it. There are lots of post on Fresh Loaf about maintaining a sourdough starter