13th bake. 12/18/2019.

Profile picture for user idaveindy

Dec. 18, 2019.

Goal:  25% KA AP loaf, 75% home-milled whole wheat.  Intending for largest loaf to fit in the deep part of the Lodge 3.2qt combo cooker.  Was off by 145 g, should have been 1200 g, instead of 1345 g.  88% hydration for the soaker with the home milled flour.  Approx 87% final hydration. 1.9% salt.  Using a new starter from CFH, SF  Sourdough, not the Carl's 1847, or the "Whole Wheat/desem" that I had used prior to that.

1:43 pm:  Mixed 100 g home-milled Kamut, 400 g home-milled Prairie Gold (hard white spring wheat), 440 g water.

(37 min soaking time.)

2:20 pm: Folded/kneaded in 101 g starter (only 9 days since hydrating and growing some purchased culture, CFH Sourdough culture, so it's very young), at 125% hydration, which adds 45 g flour and 56 g water.  Starter is approximately 25% KA AP, 75% Prairie Gold.

2:24 pm: folded/kneaded in 166 g King Arthur all purpose flour, and 105 g water.  711 g flour in total. 601 g water so far.  84.5% hydration so far.

2:54 pm: stretch and fold.

3:36 pm:  Folded/kneaded in 13.5 g himalayan salt, and 20 gr water. 621 g total water. 87.3% final hydration.

4:09 pm: stretch and fold.

(2.5 hours bulk ferment - 2:22 to 4:52. Ended up being too short.)

4:52 pm: folded, put in banneton.

(1 hour, 43 minutes proof- 4:52 to 6:35. Also too short, but wanted to bake that night.)

6:35 pm: baked covered in Lodge 3.2 qt combo cooker, in the deep part, 495/475 F, 5 minutes.  Note:  1200 g whole of wheat is the limit for the deep part of combo. Should have baked this 1345 g boule in the wider lid/skillet, or limited to 1200 g for a better fit.

6:40 pm: baked covered, 475/455 F, 10 minutes.

6:50 pm: baked covered, 440/420 F, 15 minutes.

7:05 pm: baked uncovered, 400/380 F, 45 minutes.  Some oven spring. Acceptable (not "good")  opening of center X, barely opened on perimeter square score.

7:50 pm: Internal temp: 210.4 F. Done.

Crumb was definitely underproofed.  I shouldn't have rushed things.  This was my first obvious under-proofing, so now at least I know what is  too low. The new starter was probably not mature and stable enough too.  Another few days will help.

I want a more sour loaf than I have been getting, and have been over-proofing in the past. So I will continue to use a lower percent prefermented flour, and go with longer/overnight bulk ferment and proof.

I know things change as a starter matures, but so far, I do like the taste of this bread better with the new CFH starter.