Sourdough Pain de Mie Maurizio’s Recipe

Profile picture for user Benito

I baked Maurizio’s sourdough Pain de Mie today.

Based on his recipe and recommendations I made a 700 g dough to fit in my 8.5” x 4.5” loaf pan, however, it came out rather small, I’d say it could easily have been 800 go for that size.

Anyhow, as per his recipe it is all white flour, 12% butter unsalted, 7% honey, 22% milk, 48% water, and 2% salt.


See what I mean, it is rather short and squat for sandwich bread.

How much dough do you guys use for this size of pan?  What it underproofed or just not enough dough?

I’ll post photos of the crumb tomorrow once I cut it open.


The crumb is very nice, moist and tender just as I’d want for a sandwich bread.  I believe I just needed to make more dough to get a better shaped loaf for sandwiches.


Hi Benny, I bake 2 loaves in covered Pain de Mie pans every week - same size as yours. I put 1lb 9oz of dough in each pan using 

Jeffrey Hamelman’s recipe for toast bread . (Makes wonderful sandwiches too) I let it rise until it is about 1/2” from the top of the pan then close the lid and bake 30 minutes. Perfectly fills the pan every time.


Hi Merlie, that is very helpful information, I think I didn’t let it proof long enough.  Thank you for your input.
