Friends, does anyone have a general idea of how much whole grain, or whole grain / sprouted flours one can use and still get vigorous oven spring and holey loaves? I am curious and am trying to come up w a recipe using my favorite flours and whole grains, specifically: Bread flour, Rye, WG kamut, white kamut, and sprouted wheat.
Thanks in advance
I regularly bake with whole spelt at 50% of total flour weight and get nice bloom. It is getting more challenging at higher percentages.
Thanks for the reply
Check out user DanAyo. He has some really good oven spring with home-milled 100% whole-grain red wheat, which is usually hard to do. He does a long autolyse, and 90% hydration.
Rye is a good fermenter, but it is not a good gluten-y "riser", less "rise-y" than whole wheat.
Kamut is very durum-like, it's a genetic relative of durum; high protein, but the glutenin and gliadin is not balanced enough to make a good gluten network.
Here's my guess: Use an amount of bread flour equal to your total amount of rye and kamut, and fill in the rest with whole-grain wheat. Example: 10% rye, 15% Kamut, 25% bread flour, 50% whole wheat.
Also, whole white wheat seems to rise easier, that is it's less naturally dense, than whole red whest. But DanAyo uses 100% whole red wheat, so he apparently knows the tricks.