It was time to throw some seeds into some bread again. I checked out my previous methods on adding seeds and decided to go with a dry seed addition rather than using a soaker. It seems that I got a more open crumb doing this rather than doing the soaker. Hopefully, this holds true.
Makes 3 loaves
Seed Add-ins
70 g Sunflower seeds
50 g Sesame seeds (I used half black and half white)
50 g freshly ground flax seeds
30 g Amaranth seeds
30 g Buckwheat groats
15 g Millet seeds
15 g Hemp hearts
Main dough
600 g strong baker’s unbleached flour
150 g wholegrain Durum flour
150 g wholegrain Kamut flour
100 g wholegrain Rye flour
800 g water
23 g Pink Himalayan salt
30 g plain yogurt
250 g levain (Procedure in recipe)
Extra wholegrain rye flour for levain builds
Mid afternoon the day before:
- Take 18 g of refrigerated starter and feed it 18 g of filtered water and 18 g of wholegrain rye flour. Let rise in a warm place.
- I use homemilled flour so if you are doing the same, measure out the stated amount for each type of flour in berries or grain, and mill it on the finest setting of your home mill. If buying flour, get the freshest that you can and try to ensure that it is wholegrain. By the way, if you can’t get Durum flour or Kamut flour, they can be replaced with whole wheat flour. You could even sub in Spelt flour for either the Durum or the Kamut.
- Place the required amounts of the wholegrain flours in a tub and add the unbleached flour to it.
- Cover and set aside.
The night before:
- Toast all the seeds except for the ground flax either in the oven or in a dry frying pan until fragrant. Be careful not to burn them. Cool, add the ground flax, and set aside.
- Before going to bed, feed the levain 36 g of water and 36 g of wholegrain rye flour. Let that rest in a warm spot overnight.
Dough making day:
- Feed the levain 72 g of filtered water and 72 g of strong baker’s flour and let rise until double in a warm spot. This took 6 hours.
- A couple of hours before the levain is ready, mix the water with the flour, and mix on speed 1 until all the flour has been hydrated. Let this autolyse until the Levain has doubled.
- Once the levain is ready, add the salt, the yogurt and the levain to the bowl. Mix on speed one for a minute or two to integrate everything, then mix on speed 2 for 9 minutes.
- Add the toasted seeds and mix on speed 2 until they are evenly distributed. This should only take a minute or two.
- Remove dough from bowl and place in a covered tub. Let rest 30 minutes.
- Do 2 sets of stretches and folds at 30 minute intervals and then 2 sets of sleepy ferret folds at 45 minute intervals, and then let the dough rise to about 30%. It should have irregular bubbles visible through the sides of the container and bubbles on top as well.
- Tip the dough out on a bare counter, sprinkle the top with flour and divide into portions of ~780g. Round out the portions into rounds with a dough scraper and let rest 30 minutes on the counter.
- Do a final shape by flouring the top of the rounds and flipping the rounds over on a lightly floured counter. Gently stretch the dough out into a circle. Pull and fold the third of the dough closest to you over the middle. Pull the right side and fold over the middle and do the same to the left. Fold the top end to the center patting out any cavities. Finally stretch the two top corners and fold over each other in the middle. Roll the bottom of the dough away from you until the seam is underneath the dough. Cup your hands around the dough and pull towards you, doing this on all sides of the dough to round it off. Finally spin the dough to make a nice tight boule.
- Sprinkle rice flour, then extra sunflower seeds and sesame seeds in the bannetons. Place the dough seam side down in the bannetons. Let rest for a few minutes on the counter and then put to bed in a cold (38F) fridge overnight.
Baking Day
- The next morning, heat the oven to 475F with the Dutch ovens inside for 45 minutes to an hour. Turn out the dough seam side up onto a cornmeal sprinkled counter. Place rounds of parchment paper in the bottom of the pots, and carefully but quickly place the dough seam side up inside.
- Cover the pots and bake the loaves at 450 F for 25 minutes, remove the lids, and bake for another 22 minutes at 425 F. Internal temperature should be 205 F or more.
Oven spring was not too bad for a dough with that many seeds in it.
- Danni3ll3's Blog
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Looks like another terrific bake. I love seeded loaves.
Your bakes are beautiful and you’re so consistent, someday I hope I can achieve some consistency in my bakes.
I am still striving and learning! ?
The loaves look great and the recipe is worth bookmarking.
Danni, how did the crumb and bread turn out as a result of using the seeds dry instead of a soaker?
I’ve had good results going dry and even untoasted.
since I had bread on the go from a previous bake. So it will a bit before I cut into one. I did hear it was delicious and half the loaf was gone in one sitting!
Danni, tell me about your procedure and experience with freezing whole loaves? Do you par bake them? I know whole foods does that.
I always slice the bread and freeze the slices.
a freezer bag and toss them in the freezer. To thaw, I let them sit on the counter overnight. They come out like they were baked fresh that morning. Easy peezy!
After the overnight thaw, do you put them back in the oven?
Do you find they stale quicker after freezing?
tbe loaf out. The loaf might stake a day or so earlier than fresh baked but usually it’s gone before the end of the week.
She is making Bagels this week to go with the home made lox and killer sausage that is half lamb and half pork with 3 kinds if fresh herbs, chipotle powder, smoked paprika and garlic. I;m going to smoke half if it to end up with something like Spanish chorizo, We will be making 3 different kinds of white bagels, 2 everything bagels, 2 poppy and 2 sesame tomorrow and Lucy made a couple of my favorite ones - re-hydrated dried onion/pumpernickel with spinach and cheese in the hole in the middle. so it has to be an extra big hole! Sound weird but if it works at Einstein's it will work better here:-)
I was waiting for a crumb shot but finally had to give up on that and say something about this great seedy bread of yours. Hemp hearts had to put it over the top for sure. All the seeds and all the whole grains and yogurt! Lucy put some Lebneh in the pumpernickel bagel dough yesterday when she though I wasn't looking. I think I am addicted to Lebneh.
Your bread looks grand on the outside and it has ti taste way better than it looks too! i bet it is very nice on the inside. Before you know it you will be waist deep in snow and ice and baking just to say warm enough not to freeze to death. It is still 102 F here today and a long way from long pants weather but it is getting near time to plant the winter tomatoes and lettuce if you wan them fresh for Thanksgiving. The pool was perfect temperature today and all I could think about was making Charcuterie while swimming the daily laps. So I made bacon and sausage right after. Lucy thinks I am going nuts especially when I made some pickles earlier this week. The fall is perfect for this kind of homemade stuff. Some of your bread would be really good with smoked meats I bet! Well done and
Happy baking Danni
Seeds sound great, as do bagels! I wish I had more time. Retirement is close...but I need to save up for that smoker your lox / sausage idea is making me drool. Things are so harried at the start of the school year, that I left my NMNF sitting on the counter all day yesterday when I left for work. I'll give it a feed and say a prayer over it, I shoved it in the fridge when I got home and then collapsed into a chair. Seeds or bagels next....hmmmm seeds may win, less fiddly and I can just pop it in the fridge while I'm at work. Lebneh...had to look that one up, is it similar to creme fraiche?
I baked so we took a loaf out of the freezer. I froze the ones I baked so the crumb shot will happen when I thaw one out.