Hi everyone
I'm a peasant baker in Spain, and I need a refractory mason who can come and assist with our oven. We can provide accommodation and payment (of course). We have designs, plans, elevations, photos, etc.
My stonemason and I are keen to have a go ourselves but ideally with supervision, assistance and collaboration.
We are looking for 2.5 - 3m internal diameter, an ovoid plan form for the hearth, a seperate firebox underneath the hearth, perhaps a squirrel tail for even better efficiency and radiance, lots of mass to maintain relatively steady temeperatures over time long term (or at least this will mean in practical terms that I will only need to set a small fire every morning beforfe progressing).
We are seeking to install pipework within the structure for future connection to a water system for our house and business.
Lots of issues to deal with as well (e.g. limestone bedrock), but none unsolvable! Biggest headache seems to be (1) setting the hearth height and (2) figuring out how to totally isolate the structure of the oven from the building it needs to be connected to (the existing bakery!) and (3) finding a mason who wants the job!
I apologise if this sounds like a desperate plea, or a job offer. I am in a real quandary as to what to do. I am keen to find someone here in Spain to assist, but we want a French design and I don't speak any Spanish (only Catala!).
All good fun!
Looking forward to any and everyone's input.
Mike & Lidia
Forn del Teix
Arboli 43365