First day, first post!


To the random person on the internet that clicked on my blog,

Its midnight and I start my new job in 8 hours.

I just quit my job a week ago. Actually I just quit 2 jobs in a month in the same field as most of the jobs on my resume- security work. I know security work. It's easy, anyone can do it and at the last job location I got paid 17 an hour to wear a suit and be a living mannequin for 6 hours a day. The bottoms of my feet hurt from standing still on a hard surface wearing the most uncomfortable dress shoes. The muscles in my leg panged with pain when I rose them too high. I tried calling Dr. Scholls to say "what the hell, man?" But the Dr was never in.

So I quit.

A day later I hopped on Indeed and applied to all sorts of jobs, none of them having anything related to security work. Godiva chocolatier, edible arrangements arranger, hospital jobs, and cooking jobs. Hell, I even applied and got offered an interview as a photographer on a cruise ship. I applied to two different bakeries, one was my ex-girlfriends favorite bakery. It's a well known japanese bakery. I loved their strawberry shortcake, actually it was the only thing I tried there.. And another bakery called Epi-ya boughlangery? Boughlangerie? and Patisserie. I had back to back interviews at both bakeries on the same day, so I went to kulu kulu first.

The interview went horribly. Couldnt tell you why, specifically. It's just this funny little feeling I got about 3 minutes into the interview. I had already known she wasnt going to call me back for a follow up. She said she'll let me know this weekend and it's already 2412 Monday morning.

But that didnt even matter because when I arrived at Epi-ya, with their grand opening banner still blowing in the wind outside, the manager's whole attitude seemed different from the natural disaster I walked into earlier. She asked me how my last interview went and I told her it went bad. She seemed genuinely interested in me. The interview went great, and she told me she was going to bring out the head baker, Mr. Sato.

Sato was professional. He asked me about the stint at Pizza Hut and looked at me sort of dismissively. He knew I knew nothing about baking bread. He asked me if I was good at math, I said yes (i barely passed geometry in summer school after failing algebra 1). He asked me if i can work long hours. I said yes. He told me the starting pay is low but would increase as I get better at my craft. I told him I'm fine with that. Hell I was over the moon at this point because I knew I got the job.

But I'm bad at math. I know nothing about baking. The only thing I've ever baked was cookies in the packet at the grocery store with the directions on the back. Everything at Epi-ya is made from scratch. But I loved working at Pizza Hut. I loved working with my hands, trying and successfully outdoing my coworkers as far as presentation goes. I loved getting tips from customers, the recognition of my ability to whip out amazing looking pizzas in minutes far surpassed any monetary value of the tips.

I have zero confidence in myself.

I expect to get fired on the first day for my incompetence

But I'm not going back to security work

If I'm going down, I'm going down swinging. Or rather, baking. 



day.  a couple of minutes if work and then wait an hour while you sip wine and eat cheese sitting by the pool wondering of you can get a 2nd class and cheese tray before having to do something with the bread.  A bakery is totally different of course but it is better than having to shoot shop lifters for sport.

Congrats on the new job, and hope it opens new avenues in baking! As far as being bad at math, I'm sure you have mastered, or can master, percentages. That's what matters in baking. :D