I made no-knead bread with einkorn flour last week. I did a 12 hour rise at room temperature, and then 3.5 days in the fridge.
The loaf did not rise very much, but there were air pockets and obvious fermentation going on. I think the lack of rise is mostly due to the nature of einkorn flour. The loaf was very good apart from the flying saucer shape.
However, is there any benefit to doing the entire rise in the fridge (i.e., no room temp rise first)? I'm wondering if all my yeast exhausted themselves in that first 12 hours.
Also, do I need to proof longer than 2 hours when it is coming out of the fridge?
Is there any benefit to using instant yeast instead of active dry yeast? I didn't proof the yeast first because I read it's not necessary with a long rise.
I'd like to continue with the einkorn flour because the flavor is really pleasing.