Kamut tartine

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This one didn't turn out perfect but it turned out.  I went off the Tartine method but lowered the kamut % to about 25%. And lowered the hydration to 75%. It was only one very late stretch and fold.

I didn't flour the banneton well enough so it stuck and botched up the top.  Tastes great though.  

I made one of these odd near-disasters the other week. Was meant to be a gift, and was a loaf I've made many times with no problems. The dough was very wet, and when I flipped it out of the banneton onto parchment, one side stuck and the whole thing sort of poured and folded over itself into a misshapen blob. Oh well. The end result was ugly, there was very little oven spring, but -- it tasted pretty good. I kept it rather than giving it to the friend for whom it was intended; he didn't know I was making him bread, so no problem.