Hamelman's Swiss Farmhouse Community Bake Attempt

Profile picture for user ifs201


Day 12:30 PMYeast Build 1 (100g YW and 160g BF) - mix    
 5:30 AMYeast Build 2 (add 188g water and then 200g BF, 96g WW)    
Day 212:30 PMAdd 493g BF and 376g water and 19g salt   
  Mix nuts and raisins using lamination   
  stretch and fold approx 3x   
 3:00 PMDivide, preshape, shape   
  ferment room temp 2hr   
 5:00 PMBake at 450 for 15 min and then lower to 430   

Build #1 was extremely slow and I started to think that my mango yeast water didn't work. I ended up letting it go 15 hours (eeek!). My Build #2 seemed to go extremely fast so I called it after 7 hours as it looked domed, puffy, and had risen abut 3x. Approximately 80 degrees inside. I did 2.5 hours for the bulk ferment and 2 hours for the final as it wasn't passing the finger dent test. The dough felt great to work with. This is pretty much my typical crumb. Would have liked it to be more open, but it tastes good. Not sure what happened to all of the fruit! 

The loaves had a nice expansion in the oven, but then crust definitely looks different than all of my other loaves. Very fun to try using YW. Thanks to Danny for leading the community bake! 

Build #2

Final proof:

Final Proof


Looking good. Everything seems to have turned out well. 

Hope this is a typo though but it seems to be missing salt in the recipe. 

Did you ever figure out what happened to the raisins? I’m curious.


Update - I see you used golden raisins. Were they camouflaged?

The raisins and nuts were definitely in there and even fairly evenly distributed. I think I was just too skimpy/cheap with nuts and fruit because I didn't think the bread would turn out. It tasted great though and I gave most of it away and got great reviews! 

I've always been intrigued by this bread.  Knowing now the principles behind it - the use of raisins to develop yeast with "a complete absence of acidity, coupled with extraordinary leavening potential" - I'm all the more intrigued and so I have been soaking the raisins (golden) at 78F for 6 days, now.  I like this, sort of the anti-CLAS in some ways?  Maybe a potential to do this with CLAS, for an interesting result?

I'm getting no love.  I see zero evidence for growth of anything, which actually surprises more than anything else.  Almost like an aseptic preparation, which it decidedly was not:

I recall somewhere, might have been Paul Bertolli's/Alice Waters's Chez Panisse Cooking (might have been someone else.  I don't know, easily a couple decades ago) using grapes to develop a levain culture.  The recipe stressed using unsulphured grapes and I recall it was a very good and successful levain.  I felt then the sulphur was irrelevant, but went with the recipe.

Here, I didn't put much stock in using any particular raisin and Jeffrey doesn't specify in the formula.  I gave them a quick wash per the formula, then began the soak.

Given SO2 is so widely used in the wine industry, and even more, IIRC, its use preferentially hits bacteria much more than any possible yeast inhibition, I wouldn't have thought I essentially wiped out any possible culture before I started. Bertiolli's proscription probably had more to do with an opposition to sulfite use and not for any fear of culture inhibition, ut again I don't recall.

Any ideas?  This just seems really strange.

My first attempt at raisin water fell flat also; I had used raisins that had a canola coating on them. I purchased some organic raisins that were not coated and had success.

This is on day 5 and ready to use. I've also used cumquats from our backyard.
