Greetings from the Crazy Goat Lady

Profile picture for user Goats In The Kitchen

Hi all, been following TFL occasionally over the years as informative posts always seem to pop up in search results when I Google some obscure bread making question. Now that we've officially retired (from farming most recently), I have more time to explore my bread baking hobby so I decided it's time to make myself official here and join the discussions.

We're on the west coast of Canada on the Southern end of Vancouver Island, in a lovely little pocket of semi-rural farmland. Aside from diving deeper into bread making in my retirement, I'm also making a concerted effort to befriend any and all goatherds in the area, as I very much miss having my sweet little milking goats underfoot as I go about my day. :)

Profile picture for user BethJ

Welcome, Goat Lady!

(From another recent retiree and bread-baker in the lovely PNW.)

I too am a new member...and a former resident of the PNW, Oregon to be exact. Now living in the US Northeast. Your surroundings sound beautiful.

Unfortunately I am not near retirement so don't have nearly as much time to devote to baking as I would like, but that's okay -- we can only eat so much bread!
