New mission: find a good egg bagel recipe!


Hello fellow bakers!

Recently I've bumped into a challenge: EGG BAGELS

My friend, who used to live in NYC, told me she used to eat egg bagels, and she can't find them where we live now. So I tried to find a recipe.

The only thing I found was an adaptation from Peter Reinhart's bagels. I tried but... the weren't like the egg bagels my friend used to eat. They weren't crispy enough, yellow enough and didn't have strong egg flavor either. 

You'd say: add more egg! but I feel like, the more egg, the softer the dough.

I've never eaten them before so I'm not sure how I should adapt the dough of regular bagels. Any ideas? OR if you have a recipe that you wouldn't mind sharing... I'm all ears! 


Thank you!!!



I think egg bagels are slightly softer than regular. As for color, try adding just the yolk and not the whole egg. I've read to add up to 8 yolks to a regular bagel recipe. 

Profile picture for user Levaineer

Never made them, but you could add some turmeric powder to intensify the yellow color. 

Thanks for your responses! 

So far I've tried to used yolks only and didn't come out as yellow. What about using ONLY yolks instead of yolks & water?

I also read about the turmeric, next time I'll add a little bit!


Thank you!!